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  • Writer's pictureJaclyn T. Badeau

**Resume Tips Alert**

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

I was recently on a “Job Hunting During a Pandemic” panel sharing tips on resumes and interviewing based on my experience of reviewing thousands of resumes and conducting hundreds of interviews over my career. So, I thought I’d share some tips directly with you.

Let’s start with 3 Resume Tips:

1. Customize

  • Make sure your resume is customized for each position you are applying for – it matters!

  • Review the job description/role requirements and make sure you use applicable key words on your resume – especially important as many companies use software that looks for these key words among other things.

2. Tell Your Story

  • Your resume shouldn’t be a bulleted list of your job description.

  • Make sure it highlights who you are professionally – what were your significant accomplishments and contributions in your organization / volunteer position(s) / associations / in school (as applicable)… what and how much did you change/improve/grow/save/optimize/streamline, etc.?

3. Translate Your Role(s)

  • Be sure to show how competencies gained from your previous experience can translate into the role you are applying for.

  • This is especially important when you haven’t specifically worked in the field/position you are applying for!

To learn additional tips for your resume and interviewing and more about Coaching, please reach out to chat.

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